

WWIV supports extending the BBS using WWIVbasic. WWIVbasic is a modern implementation of the classical WWIV basic interpreter MOD from the early 1990s.

WWIVbasic is implemented using MY-BASIC. MY-BASIC is an open source project under the MIT license, written by Wang Renxin.

WWIVbasic supports the entire syntax of MY-BASIC. The MY-BASIC documentation can be found in the MY-BASIC Quick Reference document. In addition to the core language, WWIVbasic includes several package to interact with the WWIV BBS.

DataTypes supported

Name Description
Integer A standard integer (whole number) datatype. The range of this is that of an int32_t
Real Floating point number, same as C++ float
String A standard string, a list of characters

Invoking Functions

Functions may exist in the global namespace (like PRINT), or may belong to a module. All of the WWIV BBS functions will belong to a module starting with wwiv.

You may always invoke a function using it's fully-qualified name (such as wwiv.version) or you may import the package and then invoke it using it's name without the package prefix.

For example: the two calls to puts are the same:

IMPORT "@wwiv.io"

wwiv.io.puts("Hello |@N, How are you?")
puts("Hello |@N, How are you?")

Importing Packages

Packages are imported using the IMPORT statement in WWIVbasic.
Starting the name of a package with a @ character means that a package is being imported, instead of a file (such as foo.bas).

Import Package Example

IMPORT "@wwiv.io"

wwiv.io.puts("Hello |@N, How are you?")
puts("Hello |@N, How are you?")

You may also use import to include the contents of anohter WWIVbasic script, ending in .bas into your current script.

Import File Example

IMPORT "helper.bas"

WWIV Packages

package wwiv

The wwiv package is the core package of interacting with WWIV. Most functionality is available in one of the subpackages.


Returns the version number of the WWIV BBS system as a String


ver = wwiv.version()
wwiv.io.puts("You are running version: " + ver)

wwiv.command(string command)

Invokes command as a menu command. For example this would run the BBS list command.



wwiv.printfile(string filename)

Displays the content of filename using the same logic as the printfile C++ function. It'll automatically choose the best suffix for a file matching the name filename from the GFILES directory of the BBS.

Note: This method will move to wwiv.io shortly



wwiv.interpret(string code)

Returns a string for the interpreted macro code code. The |@ is not needed, just the single character for the macro code should be provided.


name = wwiv.interpret("N")
print "Hello " + name

package wwiv.io

This package contains all of the input/output for interacting with the user connected to the BBS.

wwiv.printfile(string filename)

Displays the content of filename using the same logic as the printfile C++ function. It'll automatically choose the best suffix for a file matching the name filename from the GFILES directory of the BBS.

Note: This method will move to wwiv.io shortly



wwiv.io.puts(string s, ...)

Displays a string s. More than one string may be specified, separated by commas and they will be concatenated together.


bbsname = "My BBS"
wwiv.io.puts("Welcome to ", bbsname, ".")
wwiv.io.puts("Thank you for calling")

wwiv.io.pl(string s, ...)

Displays a string s, followed by a newline and carriage return. More than one string may be specified, separated by commas and they will be concatenated together.

Note: This is the same as calling wwiv.puts(...) followed by wwiv.nl().


bbsname = "My BBS"
wwiv.io.pl("Welcome to ", bbsname, ".")
wwiv.io.pl("Thank you for calling")

wwiv.io.gets(integer maxlen)

Prompts the user for a string and returns it. The string may be up to maxlen characters in length. A colorized input field (mpl) will be displayed to the user.


wwiv.io.puts("What is your favorite color? ")
c = wwiv.io.gets(20)
wwiv.io.puts("Wow! " + c + " is my favorite too!!!")


Prompts the user for a single character and returns it as a string of of only the character.


wwiv.io.puts("Are you (a) cool, (b) almost cool? ")
c = wwiv.io.getkey()
If (c = "b") Then
  wwiv.io.pl("Try Harder!");


Clears the screen.



wwiv.io.nl([integer newlines])

Displays a newline (aka carriage return + line feed). Optionally accepts the number of newlines to display as the integer newlines, if not specified the default is 1.



wwiv.io.yn(string s, ...)

Prompts the user for a yes/no question, the prompt will be the repeated string s. More than one string may be specified, separated by commas and they will be concatenated together.

The default answer is yes if the enter key is pressed.


wwiv.io.yn("Are you ? ")
c = wwiv.io.yn()
If NOT c Then
  wwiv.io.pl("Try Harder!");

wwiv.io.ny(string s, ...)

Prompts the user for a yes/no question, the prompt will be the repeated string s. More than one string may be specified, separated by commas and they will be concatenated together.

The default answer is NO if the ENTER key is pressed.

(this is the same as wwiv.io.yn except for the default value if the ENTER key is pressed.)


wwiv.io.yn("Are you ? ")
c = wwiv.io.yn()
If Not c Then
  wwiv.io.pl("Try Harder!");


Displays the [PAUSE] indicator.



Package wwiv.io.data

The wwiv.io.data package is responsible for loading and saving data to the datastore for WWIV. Currently only GLOBAL data is supported.

wwiv.data.load("GLOBAL", list l)

Loads a list l of data for this script. The list should be empty and initialized as a list before calling this function.


l = list()
wwiv.data.load("GLOBAL", l)

wwiv.data.save("GLOBAL", list l)

Saves the list l of data for this script to the datastore for WWIV. Currently only GLOBAL data is supported.


l = list("a", "b", "c")
wwiv.data.save("GLOBAL", l)


WWIV includes several sample scripts bundled in sample.zip or in the samples/ directory in your WWIV install. You may also find these scripts in GitHub.