LORD II - The New World¶
- Download Lord 2 from GamePort
- Expand the .zip file into c:\wwiv\lord2\
- From the command prompt, run LCFG.exe
Done. You can now play locally by typing LORD2 from dos, for
BBS setup check the (S)etup nodes option in this program, then have
your BBS "CALL LORD2 <NODE NUM>" to run that configuration!
EXAMPLE: CALL LORD2 1 (runs the node 1 configuration)
(G)ame Options
(S)etup Nodes With BBS <= DO THIS FIRST!
(W)orld Editor
(U)se Player Editor
(D)iagnostics on people playing now
(I)tem Editor
(E)nter Registration Code
(R)eset Game
(Q)uit & Save
Currently, this copy is UNREGISTERED.
- Select Setup
- If you have already setup LORD, you can select "C" and it will copy all the node settings from LORD.
- If you are setting this up for the first time, edit the Node to match below. You will need to do this for each node that accepts users.
√ (1) Node Number : 1
(2) BBS Name : YOUR BBS
(3) BBS Software : WWIV
(4) Path To Drop File: C:\WWIV\TEMP1
(5) Fossil/Internal : Using Regular Fossil Driver
(6) Locked Port Speed: Port Not Locked
(7) Comport : Read From Drop File
(8) Send Open Comports Command? : Yes!
(9) Send Reset Comports Command? : Yes!
(A) Use Special ANSI Settings? : No!
(B) Use direct screen writes? : No!
(C) Copy setup from another RT game. (LORD & RTREADER)
(D) Use secondary ASYNC commands?: No!
([) Go back a node
(]) Go forward a node
(Q) Quit To Main
- Edit c:\wwiv\lord2\lord2.bat and change the drive and PATH near the top to c: & \wwiv\lord2. Also, uncomment those two lines. (Remove the "REM " from the start of the lines).
- Move c:\wwiv\lord2\lord2.bat to c:\wwiv\lord2.bat
- Login into your bbs and use chainedit //ce at the main menu OR at the Waiting for Call (WFC) type C
- Either way then select Insert door and configure it like this:
Editing Chain # 1
A) Description : LORD II - The New World
B) Filename : c:\wwiv\lord2\LORD2.BAT %N
C) SL : 10
D) AR : None.
E) ANSI : Optional
F) DOS Interrupt: NOT Used
G) Win32 FOSSIL : Yes
J) Local only : No
K) Multi user : Yes
L) Registered by: AVAILABLE
M) Usage : 2
N) Age limit : 0 - 255
(Q=Quit) Which (A-N,R,[,]) :