WWIVCON 98 Pigeon Forge 21-23 August¶
Originally From: alt.bbs.wwiv
From: "Bob Milot" <NOSPAMthe...@bigfoot.com>
Subject: Re: WWIVcon Report!
Date: 1998/08/27
Message-ID: <35e4d165-innobbs@wwivbbs.org>
X-Deja-AN: 385141490
Version: WWIV PPP Project v1.5 Beta-89
Organization: PenTeleData http://www.ptd.net
Reply-To: "Bob Milot" <the_re...@bigfoot.com>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 23:33:43 EDT
Newsgroups: alt.bbs.wwiv
RE: WWIVcon Report!
BY: "Trader Jack" <wwiv{at}usa{dot}net (replace {
Ok, NOW you asked for it! <veg>
>TJ and Hobbit arrived on Friday afternoon to find Snorkel, Dave, Bob, and
>Texan Hawk already present and wondering where TJ was since he was supposed
>to be there 2 hours earlier. After check in and brief introductions, the
Yeah, Mr. "I'll Be The One Poolside With The Corona In Hand"
>he would employ. TJ took the plunge head first quickly followed by Texan
>Hawk, the first blind person to ever jump from the tower. His comments
>during the free fall were... shall we say, colorful. Bob was the final
I do recall a screamed "Oh, F*ck!" followed by TH flipping me off mid-bounce.
I really don't feel all THAT special, seeing as he decided to flip off
everyone driving through town the following day.
>during the free fall were... shall we say, colorful. Bob was the final
>jumper and arrived on the ground without incident (or his glasses....).
I might point out that I left my glasses on the ground before I even climbed
the tower, but I won't bother to do so. :)
>About 1:30am Saturday Morning: A bearded gentleman pulls up in the
>parking lot of the Best Western Plaza Inn. "Wonder where all those
>sysop people are and where's my roomate?" The tardy wanderer walks of
>in the direction of Room 282....
It was also observed that White Queen was the only WWIV sysop present without
(noticeable?) facial hair. I don't recall 100% about Maintech, but I think we
all were using some sort of tobacco by-product with the exception of TH.
>The Wild Bunch (Dave, Bob, and Texan Hawk) remained in a slovenly sleep as
>a result of the previous evening. What they really did Saturday and the
>whereabouts of Snorkel remain a mystery to this day. There was talk
>of a county road some miles away that had an establishment where
>scantily clad women.... I digress.... White Queen and The Prisoner passed
>on the events of the day since they are from the area.
Actually we only slept until around 11am. At that point, we started attacking
the alcohol once again. Hey, what can I say- my cars were all at least 600
miles away so I had nothing to lose!
As for Snorkel, who knows.... he dropped in around 11 and was never seen from
again until around 9:30 or so.
What *DID* he and those scantily clad women do all day?
>6pm Saturday: The group assembled at the hotel and proceeded to the
>Hiedelberg German Restaurant since the Alabama Grill was overbooked.
>A fine German dinner accompanied by generous amounts of Wiezen beer and
>music from an Oompah Band was enjoyed by all. Hobbit took this opportunity
>to demonstrate his skill in the "Chicken Dance" with TJ's daughter. Oh
What self-respecting Oompah band plays Garth Boorks' "Two Pina Coladas" anyway?
Since when is Country considered to be German????
>music from an Oompah Band was enjoyed by all. Hobbit took this opportunity
>to demonstrate his skill in the "Chicken Dance" with TJ's daughter. Oh
>stop you perverts.... she's only 8 years old.....
Dave took this opportunity to mention he wished he had his camera to get a shot
of Hobbit waggin' his butt.
I'm not 100% positive on why he wanted that, but to retain what little is left
of my sanity I'm assuming he thought it would be humorous.
>8pm Saturday: Everyone assembled in the meeting room for an icebreaker and
>a beer or two and enjoyed a variety of music provided by Miller Music.
Or three or four or five... or even coffee for some of us.
I even inflicted one new song by Blue Oyster Cult on the assembly. That's not
bad considering that for the trip down and back we only had three tapes of
note, ones I grabbed from my van before leaving Dave's... all BOC.
>Hobbit doubles as a DJ in addition to his duties as a WWIV Sysop. TJ
>conducted a brief demonstration of LNET-II for all those interested. About
"All interested" was two people by my recollection. Well, one person and
>for multiple platforms to include Windows, OS/2 and *nix, and BBS/Network
>security. Several ideas were presented that bear further research before
So, TJ... what ARE those "ENRSA.C" and "DERSA.C" files for anyway? Perhaps
Jayson would rather explain, since RSA encoding isn't used according to him....
>any announcement is made. Varied discussion went on for three hours and
>about 12am, TJ passed out WWIVcon T-shirts to all attendees. Frank and
>wife departed shortly after but the hardcores remained until almost 5am
>talking and witnessing the antics of Texan Hawk.
Varied discussion= Hobbit's \BESTIALITY directory, and the fact that he needs a
set of jumper cables to get his computer up and running. <g>
I'm wearing my shirt right now, BTW. The black one, that is. The white one is
being saved for other occasions.
>9am Sunday: Those not suffering from hangovers had a leisurely breakfast
>at the hotel cafe, said their good-byes proceeded to depart for home.
So, TJ... why WERE you wearing those sunglasses even when you came into our
Were you hung over or not? <g>
Before answering, keep in mind that we have you on video pushing away your beer
bottle after a third failed attempt at coherent speech the night before.... :)
Besides, who wants breakfast at the hotel when there are still 12-oz breakfast
bottles in the cooler? :)
Posted from: Innovation BBS (610)682-9611 or (610)821-5763
e-mail:...@ptdprolog.net telnet: innobbs.dyn.ml.org
WWIVcon 98 took place the weekend of 21-23 August in Pigeon Forge Tennessee.
Attendees were:
Richard Claypool aka Texan Hawk Mike McShane aka Snorkel Randy Miller aka Hobbit Bob Milot Dean Nash aka Trader Jack Jennifer Ogle aka White Queen Kent Ogle aka The Prisoner Frank Reid Dennis Thompson aka Maintech Dave Toy aka Dave
TJ and Hobbit arrived on Friday afternoon to find Snorkel, Dave, Bob, and Texan Hawk already present and wondering where TJ was since he was supposed to be there 2 hours earlier. After check in and brief introductions, the weary travelers adjourned to the pool gazebo to consume various and sundry beverages and get to know each other a bit. Later that evening, White Queen and The Prisoner arrived and joined in the frey.
8pm Friday: The recently refreshed mob journeyed to the Golden Coral by foot to have dinner. TJ noticed the funny looking tower on the way, but said nothing to the assembled group. After dinner, as the group walked back to the hotel, TJ suggested that everyone take a jump off the bungee tower. Hobbit was concerned that if he were to jump it may break the bungee so he declined. The brave trio of TJ, Bob and Texan Hawk paid their fee and proceeded to suit up for the jump. TJ felt he should be the first to jump, setting the example for the others so he quickly climbed to the top of the 70 foot tower and prepared to meet his fate. When the attendant asked "Head first or feet first?" there was no doubt in his mind as to the method he would employ. TJ took the plunge head first quickly followed by Texan Hawk, the first blind person to ever jump from the tower. His comments during the free fall were... shall we say, colorful. Bob was the final jumper and arrived on the ground without incident (or his glasses....). After the hoopla concluded the mob and the adrenaline charged trio proceeded back to the hotel for a few more 12 ounce curls and then off to bed in the wee hours of the morning.
About 1:30am Saturday Morning: A bearded gentleman pulls up in the parking lot of the Best Western Plaza Inn. "Wonder where all those sysop people are and where's my roomate?" The tardy wanderer walks of in the direction of Room 282....
9am Saturday: TJ plus family, Hobbit, and the recently arrived Maintech departed for a fun filled day at Dollywood. They were to meet the Reid Clan at the gate but the mass of assembled Dollyfans precluded the link-up. The Wild Bunch (Dave, Bob, and Texan Hawk) remained in a slovenly sleep as a result of the previous evening. What they really did Saturday and the whereabouts of Snorkel remain a mystery to this day. There was talk of a county road some miles away that had an establishment where scantily clad women.... I digress.... White Queen and The Prisoner passed on the events of the day since they are from the area.
6pm Saturday: The group assembled at the hotel and proceeded to the Hiedelberg German Restaurant since the Alabama Grill was overbooked. A fine German dinner accompanied by generous amounts of Wiezen beer and music from an Oompah Band was enjoyed by all. Hobbit took this opportunity to demonstrate his skill in the "Chicken Dance" with TJ's daughter. Oh stop you perverts.... she's only 8 years old.....
8pm Saturday: Everyone assembled in the meeting room for an icebreaker and a beer or two and enjoyed a variety of music provided by Miller Music. Hobbit doubles as a DJ in addition to his duties as a WWIV Sysop. TJ conducted a brief demonstration of LNET-II for all those interested. About 9pm, TJ called the esteemed group to the round table for final introductions and discussion. TJ and Frank delivered their views on the future directions for WWIV and answered many questions on a variety of issues. With great input from all present, the decision was made to set a milestone for the release of 4.30 as a version that contained FOSSIL support and a few more of the remaining functional changes. Discussion moved on to future releases for multiple platforms to include Windows, OS/2 and *nix, and BBS/Network security. Several ideas were presented that bear further research before any announcement is made. Varied discussion went on for three hours and about 12am, TJ passed out WWIVcon T-shirts to all attendees. Frank and wife departed shortly after but the hardcores remained until almost 5am talking and witnessing the antics of Texan Hawk.
9am Sunday: Those not suffering from hangovers had a leisurely breakfast at the hotel cafe, said their good-byes proceeded to depart for home.
Origin: Mountain Empire Server * 423-477-4015