WWIVCon 1994 New Orleans 1-3 July¶
Invite posted to COMP.BBS.MISC
M. Keath Cummings <mkcummin>
| Information on WWIV Con '94 |
| New Orleans, Louisiana July 1 - July 3, 1994 |
| |
| from Filo, 1@2050 |
Q: What is WWIVcon?
A: WWIVcon is a WWIV convention. The first one is to be held in New
Q: Who may attend?
A: Anyone who is interested in WWIV may attend. Those who do not stay
at the convention hotel will be asked to register in advance and pay
a conference fee to cover costs like meals and so forth.
Q: Where will it be in New Orleans?
A: Comfort Inn
1315 Gravier Street.
New Orleans, La 70112
If you write for reservations, address it to ATTN: Reservations.
If you wish to call and reserve a room (on credit card or
The number to call to make your reservation is 800-535-9141. The Sales manager
handling this is Esther Holguin (pronounced Hole-Kwin). The first night's
lodging must be prepaid to guarantee your reservation. This is $55, plus 11%
Sales Tax (I told ya we had the highest in the nation!),plus a $2.00 per night
city occupancy tax. Ballparking, I'd guess that'd put it at about $62.50
(I don't have a calculator handy) Have your Credit Card handy.
Q: What is the agenda for the convention?
A: The following activities are planned so far:
July 1 (Friday night) : Welcome Social at Hotel (7 - 9 pm roughly)
July 2 (Saturday day) : Seminars and speakers on various topics
July 2 (Saturday night): Awards banquet
July 3 (Sunday morning): Additional Seminars and send-off
Q: When can I make my reservations?
A: You can begin calling the hotel now (see information above) to
reserve your room. The earlier that you make your reservation, the
easier that it is for us to plan the event and you are assured of
getting a room at the hotel. (I hope that we can book all the rooms
in the hotel by October or so).
If we can get the hotel booked up as early as that, we can approach
some corporate sponsers (like Borland) to see if they will throw
together some freebies for us.
| WWIV Con '94 Registration Information and Instructions |
| |
| New Orleans WWIV Weekend 1994 |
| July 1-3, 1994 |
WWIV Con '94 (New Orleans WWIV Weekend 1994) is a WWIV Convention--the first
of its kind. Anyone who is interested in WWIV in invited to attend. WWIV
Con '94 will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana July 1-3, 1994 (Friday through
Sunday). It's going to be an exciting opportunity to meet and get together
with others with whom we share networking and BBSing in general. All the
"major" WWIV-based networks will be represented, and most of the "minor"
networks as well. All are welcome.
There are three main reasons for having registration fees. First, and by
far the most important, is to encourage everyone to register early. We are
attempting to convince a number of computer-related corporations (like
Microsoft, Borland, and Symantec) to participate. The corporate "sponsors"
will be invited to conduct seminars, give away door prizes, host hospitality
suites, or whatever other "freebies" they want to give us. In order to
convince the "giants" to come, we need to be able to tell them how many
people will be attending, and have some "hard" evidence to show that we
really will have that many people. Because the large companies plan so far
ahead, we simply MUST have some numbers very soon. NOTE: YOU CAN MAKE YOUR
Second, the people who stay at the Comfort Inn are contributing to WWIV Con
'94 by staying at the Comfort Inn--their room rent helps pay for the meeting
room the Comfort Inn is providing. The registration fees for those who are
NOT staying at the Comfort Inn are a way for others to help defray part of
the cost of holding WWIV Con '94.
Finally, there will be some expenses involved in putting together packets for
all the registrants, and there will be some miscellaneous expenses involved
as well. Registration fees will help defray those expenses. Our goal is to
"break even;" any money left over after expenses will be used for door
prizes, free meals for participants, or some other benefit for registrants,
depending on how much money is available.
Convention packets, including an ID badge, will be prepared for each
registrant and will be distributed at WWIV Con '94.
1. If you make reservations at the Comfort Inn by November 1, 1993, you
get FREE registration for all the people staying in your room. You must
give us a separate registration form for each person, though, so we can
create a convention packet for them and create their ID badge which will]
give them admission to all WWIV Con '94 events.
2. If you are NOT staying at the Comfort Inn, you may register by sending in
this registration form. If you register by November 1, 1993, the
registration is only $5.00 (what a bargain!).
3. If you ARE staying at the Comfort Inn, and you make reservations between
November 2, 1993 and April 1, 1994, the registration for WWIVcon '94
for you and each person in your room who will be attending any convention
activities is $10.00 per person. You must send us the $10.00 per person
and send in a separate registration form form each convention attendee;
registration forms and fees should get to us by April 1, 1994.
4. If you are NOT staying at the Comfort Inn, and you register between
November 2, 1993 and April 1, 1994, your registration fee will be
$15.00 per person. You must send us your registration fee and
registration form by April 1, 1994 to qualify for this reduced rate.
5. Whether or not you stay at the Comfort Inn, if you register on April 2,
1994 or later, the registration fee is $25.00 per person. The purpose
of this higher registration fee is NOT to raise revenue, but to encourage
everyone to register early, for the reasons already explained.
6. How do you make reservations at the Comfort Inn?
A. You can write to them at this address:
Ms. Esther Holguin
Comfort Inn
1315 Gravier Street
New Orleans, LA 70112
B. You can call them toll-free:
Ms. Esther Holguin
The first night's lodging must be pre-paid to guarantee your reservation.
You can do this by sending them a check, or by phone with a credit card.
Our special rates are $55.00 per night plus 11% tax and $2.00 city
occupancy tax.
Please make sure you mention that you are part of the WWIV Con '94 group
so they will give you our special discount rate. (Normal rates are MUCH
7. Preliminary schedule of events:
July 1 (Friday) Welcome social at the Comfort Inn
July 2 (Saturday) Seminars and speakers on various topics
Sightseeing in beautiful, unique New Orleans
(the Comfort Inn is within walking
distance of the French Quarter)
Awards banquet
July 3 (Sunday) Additional seminars and send-off
8. How to register:
A. Fill out one registration form per person attending. Everyone who
attends MUST have an ID badge which we will provide.
B. Read the above instructions to see if you need to send a check with
your registration form.
C. Send your registration form and check (if applicable) to:
Linwood Davis
WWIV Con '94
5 Wooddale
Helena, AR 72342
You should get a receipt within 7 business days. If you do NOT get
a receipt promptly, please inquire and make sure your registration
did not get lost in the mail. Obviously we cannot be responsible
for registrations we do not receive.
9. If you have questions, you can reach us as follows:
1@2050 WWIVLink 1@15401 WWIVLink 1@1 IceNet 1@15100 WWIVLink
1@2050 WWIVNet 1@15401 WWIVNet 1@7663 WWIVNet 1@5102 WWIVNet
1@2050 IceNET 1@17652 WWIVLink 1@5100 ICENet
WWIV Con '94 is going to be a once-in-a-lifetime exciting event! Make your
reservations now, and register early. Not only will you help us get
corporate participants, but you will save yourself money as well.
WWIV Con Registration Form:
| WWIV Con '94 Registration |
| |
| New Orleans WWIV Weekend 1994 |
| July 1-3, 1994 |
1. Handle or Alias: ________________________________________________________
(Note: We will put your Handle or Alias on your WWIV Con '94
registration badge; if you want your real name on your badge,
please put it here as well as on the "Real Name" line.)
2. Real Name: _____________________________________________________________
3. Street address: ________________________________________________________
4. City: _____________________________________ State: __ Zip: _____
5. Voice phone: ___ - ___ - ____ BBS phone: ___ - ___ - ____
6. What are your main
"network addresses?"
examples: 1@15100 Link ________________________________________
1@5102 Net
1@5100 Ice ________________________________________
(maximum of three will
be listed) ________________________________________
7. Will you be staying at the Comfort Inn? __ YES __ NO
8. Do you already have your reservation at the Comfort Inn? __ YES __ NO
9. If you have a reservation at the
Comfort Inn, in whose name is the
reservation listed? _______________________________________
10. Amount of registration fee enclosed (if any): __________________________
Please send your registration form and check (if applicable) to:
Linwood Davis
WWIV Con '94
5 Wooddale
Helena, AR 72342
You should get a receipt within 7 business days. If you do NOT get
a receipt promptly, please inquire and make sure your registration
did not get lost in the mail. Obviously we cannot be responsible
for registrations we do not receive. Because we must make commit-
ments, these registration fees are not refundable.
PLEASE NOTE: Sending your registration to me merely registers you for the
conference. This registration does NOT register you at the
Comfort Inn--you still must make your own reservations directly
with them.
WWIV Con '94 is going to be a once-in-a-lifetime exciting event! Make your
reservations now, and register early. Not only will you help us get
corporate participants, but you will save yourself money as well.
See you there!