MechWars 1.9G¶
Known Issues¶
Problem | OS | Fossil and Telnet Server | Resolution |
NTVDM Crashes on the BBS Host after exiting door | Win7 32-bit | SYNCFOSS & WWIV5Telnet | Set compatibility mode on MECHWARS.EXE (right click properties) to Windows 95 |
Mechwars is an old game but i like it so heres my setup
unzip mechwars into c:\wwiv\doors\mechwar\ (or similar) then in chainedit
//ce from the main menu or c from the wfc insert a new chain
make it look like this
Editing Chain # 4
A) Description : MechWars
B) Filename : c:\wwiv\doors\mechwar\mech.bat %N
C) SL : 10
D) AR : None.
E) ANSI : Optional
F) DOS Interrupt: Not Used
G) Win32 FOSSIL : Yes
J) Local only : No
K) Multi user : No
Which (A-K,R,[,],Q) ?
then create c:\wwiv\doors\mechwar\mech.bat
cd \wwiv\doors\mechwar
copy c:\wwiv\temp%1\chain.txt c:\wwiv\doors\mechwar\chain.txt
mechwars.exe /4 F+
del chain.txt
goto done
From the command line, cd to \wwiv\doors\mechwar
and run SETUP.EXE.
- Fill in your Name
- Fill in your BBS Name
- Fill in your Score File Dir: \wwiv\doors\mechwar\
- I made no other changes, click SAVE